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April 19, 2024

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Harth Roger (b. 1927-00-00 / d. 1982-04-19)

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Sad list (6002)

Joseph. 1945-10-10


Born 1897-03-19. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Murder

After the Normandy Invasion and Allied advance, Darnand fled to Germany in September 1944 and joined Pétain's puppet government in Sigmaringen. In April 1945, he had to flee from Sigmaringen to Merano in Northern Italy. He was eventually captured after the war and taken back to France, where he was executed by firing squad in October 1945.


Siegmund (alias: Felix Salten). 1945-10-08


Born 1869-09-06. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Age

Felix Salten was an Austro-Hungarian author and literary critic in Vienna. Salten was born Siegmund Salzmann in Pest, Austria-Hungary. His father was Fülöp Salzmann, the telegraph office's clerk in Pest; his mother was Maria Singer. He was the grandson of an Orthodox rabbi. When he was four weeks old, his family relocated to Vienna, as many Jews did after the Imperial government had granted full citizenship rights to Jews in 1867. His best remembered work is Bambi (1923). A translation in English was published by Simon & Schuster in 1928, and became a Book-of-the-Month Club success. In 1933, he sold the film rights to the American director Sidney Franklin for only $1,000, and Franklin later transferred the rights to the Walt Disney Studios, which formed the basis of the animated film Bambi (1942). Life in Austria became perilous for Jews during the 1930s. In Germany, Adolf Hitler had Salten's books banned in 1936. Two years later, after Germany's annexation of Austria, Salten moved to Zurich, Switzerland, with his wife, and spent his final years there.


Bela. 1945-09-26


Born 1881-03-25. Domain:Music. Cause of death:cancer (blood)


Hans. 1945-09-24


Born 1882-09-30. Domain:Science (Physics style). Cause of death:Age

He was a German physicist. He is perhaps best known as the co-inventor of the Geiger counter and for the Geiger-Marsden experiment which discovered the Atomic nucleus. He did not hesitate to give to the nazis some of his jewish colleagues, who had helped him in his discoveries. He was a member of the Uranium Club, which was working on an atomic bomb for Nazi Germany. Geiger died in Potsdam, Germany a few months after World War II ended.


Anton. 1945-09-15


Born 1883-12-03. Domain:Music. Cause of death:Murder

Webern's music was denounced as "cultural Bolshevism" and "degenerate art" by the Nazi Party in Germany, even before they seized power in Austria in 1938. Although Webern had sharply attacked Nazi cultural policies in private lectures given in 1933, their intended publication did not take place at that time, which proved fortunate since this later "would have exposed Webern to serious consequences." During the war, however, his patriotic fervor led him to endorse the regime in a series of letters to Joseph Hueber, where he described Hitler on 2 May 1940 as "this unique man" who created "the new state" of Germany. As a result of official disapproval, he found it harder (though at no stage impossible) to earn a living, and had to take on work as an editor and proofreader for his publishers, Universal Edition. He left Vienna near the end of the war, and moved to Mittersill in Salzburg, believing he would be safer there. On 15 September 1945, during the Allied occupation of Austria, he was accidentally shot dead by an American Army soldier following the arrest of his son-in-law for black market activities, when, despite the curfew in effect, he stepped outside the house to enjoy a cigar without disturbing his sleeping grandchildren.


Haroutune Krikor. 1945-09-15


Born 1921-05-04. Domain:Science (Physics style). Cause of death:Accident

He was an Armenian-American physicist with the Manhattan Project who accidentally irradiated himself on August 21, 1945, during a critical mass experiment at the remote Omega Site facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, resulting in his death 25 days later.


Stephan. 1945-08-31


Born 1892-03-30. Domain:Science (Math style). Cause of death:Cancer (lung)

His funeral at Lwów's Łyczaków Cemetery turned into a patriotic demonstration by the Poles who still remained in the city.


Gerhard Karl Erich. 1945-08-04


Born 1909-11-24. Domain:Science (Math style). Cause of death:Other

Gerhard Karl Erich Gentzen was a German mathematician and logician. He made major contributions to the foundations of mathematics, proof theory, especially on natural deduction and sequent calculus. He died of starvation in a Soviet prison camp in Prague in 1945, having been interned as a German national after the Second World War. Gentzen was arrested during the citizens uprising against the occupying German forces on May 5, 1945. He, along with the rest of the staff of the German University in Prague was subsequently handed over to Soviet forces. Because of his past association with the SA, NSDAP and NSD Dozentenbund, Gentzen was detained in a prison camp, where he died of starvation.


Kurt. 1945-07-25


Born 1905-08-11. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Unknown

He was a German SS officer and member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS. He witnessed mass murders in the Nazi extermination camps Belzec and Treblinka. He reportedly contacted the Swedish diplomat Göran von Otter as well as members of the Roman Catholic Church with contacts to Pope Pius XII in order to inform the international public about the Holocaust. In 1945 he wrote the Gerstein Report about this. Afterward he allegedly committed suicide.
On 22 April 1945, Gerstein surrendered to the French commandant of the occupied town of Reutlingen. He received a sympathetic reception and was transferred to a residence in a hotel in Rottweil. It was there that he was able to write out his reports. However, he was later transferred to the notorious Cherche-Midi military prison where he was apparently treated as a war criminal. On 25 July, 1945 he was found dead in his cell, an alleged suicide.


Stefan. 1945-06-19


Born 1888-09-25. Domain:Science (Math style). Cause of death:Age

Stefan Mazurkiewicz was a Polish mathematician who worked in mathematical analysis, topology, and probability. He was a student of Wacław Sierpiński and a member of the Polish Academy of Learning (PAU). His students included Karol Borsuk, Bronisław Knaster, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Stanisław Saks, and Antoni Zygmund. For a time Mazurkiewicz was a professor at the University of Paris; however, he spent most of his career as a professor at the University of Warsaw. The Hahn–Mazurkiewicz theorem, a basic result on curves prompted by the phenomenon of space-filling curves, is named for Mazurkiewicz and Hans Hahn. His 1935 paper Sur l'existence des continus indécomposables is generally considered the most elegant piece of work in point-set topology. During the Polish–Soviet War (1919–21), Mazurkiewicz as early as 1919 broke the most common Russian cipher for the Polish General Staff's cryptological agency. Thanks to this, orders issued by Soviet commander Mikhail Tukhachevsky's staff were known to Polish Army leaders. This contributed substantially, perhaps decisively, to Polish victory at the critical Battle of Warsaw and possibly to Poland's survival as an independent country.


Robert. 1945-06-08


Born 1900-07-04. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Other

During World War II, Desnos was an active member of the French Résistance, often publishing under pseudonyms, and was arrested by the Gestapo on February 22, 1944. He was first deported to Auschwitz, then Buchenwald, Flossenburg and finally to Térézin (Theresienstadt) in Czechoslovakia in 1945, where he died from typhoid, only weeks after the camp’s liberation. He wrote poems during his imprisonment which were destroyed accidentally following his death.


Odilo Lothar Ludwig (alias: Globus). 1945-05-31


Born 1904-04-21. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Suicide

Odilo Lothar Ludwig Globocnik was an Austrian Nazi and a Holocaust perpetrator. He was an official of the Nazi Party and later a high-ranking leader of the SS. He had a leading role in Operation Reinhard, which organized the murder of around one and a half million mostly Polish Jews during the Holocaust in the Majdanek, Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec extermination camps. Historian Michael Allen described him as "the vilest individual in the vilest organization ever known". Globocnik died by suicide shortly after being captured and detained by British soldiers. Globocnik committed suicide by biting on a cyanide capsule.


Heinrich. 1945-05-23


Born 1900-10-07. Domain:Politics. Cause of death:Suicide

Himmler was arrested on 22 May by Sergeant Arthur Britton, and in captivity, was soon recognized. Himmler was scheduled to stand trial with other German leaders as a major war criminal at Nuremberg, but committed suicide in Lüneburg by swallowing a potassium cyanide capsule before interrogation could begin. These cyanide tablets were fitted in caps in SS officers’ teeth (which they snapped open and swallowed the tablet) before the Holocaust began so that they would always have the choice of suicide if anything went wrong. His last words were Ich bin Heinrich Himmler! (“I am Heinrich Himmler!”). Shortly afterwards, Himmler’s body was secretly buried in an unmarked grave on the Lüneburg Heath. The precise location of Himmler’s grave remains unknown.


René. 1945-05-05


Born 1860-04-06. Domain:Art. Cause of death:Age


Joseph. 1945-05-01


Born 1897-10-29. Domain:Politics. Cause of death:Suicide

At 8 p.m. on the evening of 1 May, Goebbels arranged for an SS doctor, Helmut Kunz, to kill his six children by injecting them with morphine and then, when they were unconscious, crushing an ampoule of cyanide in each of their mouths. According to Kunz's testimony, he gave the children morphine injections but it was Magda Goebbels and Stumpfegger, Hitler's personal doctor, who then administered the cyanide. Shortly afterwards, Goebbels and his wife went up to the garden of the Chancellery, where they killed themselves. After the war, Rear-Admiral Michael Musmanno, a U.S. naval officer and judge, published an account apparently based on eye-witness testimony: "At about 8.15 p.m., Goebbels arose from the table, put on his hat, coat and gloves and, taking his wife's arm, went upstairs to the garden." They were followed by Goebbels's adjutant, SS-Hauptsturmführer Günther Schwägermann. "While Schwägermann was preparing the petrol, he heard a shot. Goebbels had shot himself and his wife took poison. Schwägermann ordered one of the soldiers to shoot Goebbels again because he was unable to do it himself." The bodies of Goebbels and his wife were then burned in a shell crater, but owing to the lack of petrol the burning was only partly effective, and their bodies were easily identifiable. A few days later, Voss was brought back to the bunker by the Soviets to identify the partly burned bodies of Joseph and Magda Goebbels and the bodies of their children. "Vice-Admiral Voss, being asked how he identified the people as Goebbels, his wife and children, explained that he recognised the burnt body of the man as former Reichsminister Goebbels by the following signs: the shape of the head, the line of the mouth, the metal brace that Goebbels had on his right leg, his gold NSDAP badge and the burnt remains of his party uniform." The remains of the Goebbels family were secretly buried, along with those of Hitler, near Rathenow in Brandenburg. In 1970, they were disinterred and cremated, and the ashes thrown in the Elbe.


Adolf. 1945-04-30


Born 1889-04-20. Domain:Politics. Cause of death:Suicide

On 30 April 1945, after intense street-to-street combat, when Soviet troops were spotted within a block or two of the Reich Chancellory in the city centre, Hitler committed suicide in the Führerbunker. He did so by means of a self-delivered shot to the head while simultaneously biting into a cyanide capsule. Hitler's body and that of Eva Braun (his long-term mistress whom he had married the day before) were put in a bomb crater, doused in gasoline by Otto Günsche and other Führerbunker aides, and set alight as the Red Army advanced and shelling continued. Hitler also had his dog Blondi poisoned before his suicide to test the poison he and Eva Braun were going to take.

Hitler war zu Lebzeiten Ehrenbürger etlicher deutscher Städte. Trotz der Argumentation, dass die Ehrenbürgerschaft mit dem Tod ende, haben viele Städte Hitler diese nach seinem Tod explizit wieder entzogen, einige andere nicht, darunter z. B. Bad Doberan oder Völklingen.
Mit dem Anophthalmus hitleri benannte der Käfersammler Oscar Seibel 1933 einen kleinen, blinden, braunen Höhlenkäfer, der mittlerweile vom Aussterben bedroht ist, nach Hitler.
Im April 1934 wurde in der Umgebung von Bad Tölz der Heigelkopf in Hitlerberg umbenannt und ein zehn Meter hohes, 1200 kg schweres Hakenkreuz aufgestellt.
Das TIME Magazine wählte Hitler 1938 zum „Mann des Jahres“. Die Intention dieses Titels war jedoch nicht, die entsprechende Person zu ehren, sondern herauszustellen, wer aus Sicht der Redaktion in einem bestimmtem Jahr den größten Einfluss auf die Weltpolitik hatte. So ging der Titel 1939 und 1942 an Josef Stalin.
Hitler wurde von verschiedenen Forschungsinstituten mehrmals als der bekannteste Deutsche identifiziert und ist eine der weltweit bekanntesten Persönlichkeiten überhaupt.


Eva. 1945-04-30


Born 1912-02-06. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Suicide

In early April 1945 Braun traveled by car from Munich to Berlin to be with Hitler at the Führerbunker. Eva refused to leave as the Red Army closed in, insisting she was one of the few people loyal to him left in the world. Hitler and Braun were married on April 29, 1945 during a brief civil ceremony which was witnessed by Joseph Goebbels and Martin Bormann. The bride wore a black silk dress.
With Braun's marriage her legal name changed to Eva Hitler. When Eva signed her marriage certificate she wrote the letter B for her family name, then lined this out and replaced it with Hitler. Although bunker personnel were instructed to call her Frau Hitler, her new husband continued to call his wife Fräulein Braun.
There was gossip among the Führerbunker staff that Eva was carrying Hitler's child, but there is no evidence she was ever pregnant.


Benito. 1945-04-28


Born 1883-07-29. Domain:Politics. Cause of death:Murder

Mussolini entered World War II in June 1940 on the side of Nazi Germany. Three years later, the Allies invaded Italy and occupied most of southern Italy. In April 1945, Mussolini attempted to escape to Austria, only to be captured and killed near Lake Como by partisans. His body was brought to Milan where it was hung upside down and mocked by crowds of people.


Clara. 1945-04-28


Born 1912-02-28. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Murder

Petacci was with Mussolini in the end. On 27 April 1945, when a convoy of escaping Italian Social Republic members, including Mussolini, was captured by Communist partisans, it is said that Petacci was offered the opportunity to go unmolested. But she firmly refused and, instead, tried to protect Mussolini with her body. On 28 April, she and Mussolini were taken to Mezzagra where she and the Duce were shot. On the following day, 29 April, Mussolini and Petacci's bodies were taken to the Piazzale Loreto in Milan and hung upside down in front of an Esso gas station. The bodies were photographed as a crowd vented their rage upon them.
She was twenty-nine years younger than Mussolini.


Van Allen
James. 1945-04-23


Born 1914-09-07. Domain:Science (Physics style). Cause of death:Age

Discovered the "Van Allen" belts.


Ambrose. 1945-04-18


Born 1849-11-29. Domain:Science (Physics style). Cause of death:Age

in November 1904, John Ambrose Fleming FRS, Pender Professor at UCL, filed GB patent 190424850 in Great Britain, for a device called the Thermionic Valve. When inserted together with a galvanometer, into a tuned electrical circuit, it could be used as a very sensitive rectifying detector of high frequency wireless currents, known as radio waves. It was a major step forward in the ‘wireless revolution’.


Maurice (alias: Maurice Sachs). 1945-04-14


Born 1906-09-16. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Murder

Sachs was educated in an English-style boarding-school, lived for a year in London and worked in a bookshop, and returned to Paris. In 1925 he converted to Catholicism and decided to become a priest, though this didn't last upon meeting a young man on the beach at Juan-les-Pins. After involvement in a number of dubious business activities, he traveled to New York, where he passed himself off as an art dealer. Returning to Paris, he associated himself with leading homosexual writers of the time - Cocteau, Gide and Max Jacob - with all of whom he had stormy relationships whose precise nature is unclear. At various times he worked for Jean Cocteau and Coco Chanel, in both cases stealing from them. Sachs was mobilized at the start of World War II, but was discharged for sexual misconduct. During the early years of the Occupation, he made money out of helping Jewish families escape to the Unoccupied Zone. He may also have been an informer for the Gestapo. He was later imprisoned in Fuhlsbüttel.
One story of Sachs' death is that he was lynched by other prisoners and his body was thrown to the dogs


Franklin Delano . 1945-04-12


Born 1882-01-30. Domain:Politics. Cause of death:Stroke

In August 1921, while the Roosevelts were vacationing at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Roosevelt contracted an illness, at the time believed to be polio, which resulted in Roosevelt's total and permanent paralysis from the waist down. For the rest of his life, Roosevelt refused to accept that he was permanently paralyzed. He tried a wide range of therapies, including hydrotherapy, and, in 1926, he purchased a resort at Warm Springs, Georgia, where he founded a hydrotherapy center for the treatment of polio patients which still operates as the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation. After he became President, he helped to found the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (now known as the March of Dimes). His leadership in this organization is one reason he is commemorated on the dime. At the time, when the private lives of public figures were subject to less scrutiny than they are today, Roosevelt was able to convince many people that he was in fact getting better, which he believed was essential if he was to run for public office again. Fitting his hips and legs with iron braces, he laboriously taught himself to walk a short distance by swiveling his torso while supporting himself with a cane. In private, he used a wheelchair, but he was careful never to be seen in it in public. He usually appeared in public standing upright, supported on one side by an aide or one of his sons. In 2003, a peer-reviewed study found that it was more likely that Roosevelt's paralytic illness was actually Guillain-Barré syndrome, not poliomyelitis.
On the morning of April 12, Roosevelt said, "I have a terrific headache." He was to never speak again. The doctor diagnosed that he had suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage.


Lloyd George
David. 1945-03-26


Born 1863-01-17. Domain:Politics. Cause of death:Age

In January 1941, his wife Dame Margaret died; this deeply upset him and heavy snowdrifts prevented his getting to her bedside before she died. In October 1943, aged eighty, he married his secretary and mistress, Frances Stevenson (who had been with Lloyd George for over 30 years at the time of his death and became Countess Lloyd George of Dwyfor), a cultivated, beautiful woman now largely remembered for her extensive, insightful diaries that dealt with the issues and statesmen that were a part of her lover's life.


Drieu La Rochelle
Pierre. 1945-03-15


Born 1893-01-03. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Suicide

At the liberation of Paris in 1944, Drieu had to go into hiding. Despite the protection of André Malraux, and after a failed first attempt in July 1944, he committed suicide by poisoning himself with medicaments. He recounted that he first tried to commit suicide at 7. Suicide had been a constant temptation throughout his adult life. Like Robert Brasillach, his death caused him to be revered as a martyr by neo-fascists and others who shared his deep dissatisfaction with bourgeois society.


Jacques. 1945-02-22


Born 1898-09-26. Domain:Politics. Cause of death:Murder

He began as a Communist but then turned Fascist.
In December of 1943, Doriot travelled to Sigmaringen, Germany, and later became a member of the exile Vichy government there. He was killed while traveling from Mainau to Sigmaringen in February of 1945 when his car was strafed by Allied fighters. He was buried in Mengen.


Robert. 1945-02-06


Born 1909-03-31. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Murder

he openly supported fascism. After the fall of France, he became an editor of Je suis partout, an antisemitic paper, and wrote in favor of the collaboration and Nazi policies. In November 1942 he supported the German takeover of the unoccupied zone under the Vichy government, because it "reunited France". He called for death of left-wing politicians and in the summer of 1944 signed the call for the summary execution of all members of the French Resistance. After the liberation of Paris, Brasillach hid in an attic but he gave himself up on September 14 when he heard that his mother had been arrested. He spent the next five months in prison.
Brasillach went to trial in Paris on 19 January 1945 and was sentenced to death. The sentence caused uproar in French literature circles and even some of Brasillach's political opponents protested against it. Resistance member and author François Mauriac circulated a petition to Charles De Gaulle to commute the sentence. De Gaulle did not comply and Brasillach was executed by firing squad in Montrouge. He was buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery.


Violette. 1945-02-05


Born 1921-06-26. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Murder

She was born Violette Reine Elizabeth Bushell in Paris, France, the second child of a French mother and an English taxi-driver father, who had met during World War I. The family moved to London and she attended school in Brixton until the age of 14. At the start of the Second World War, she was working in the Bon Marché department store in Brixton on the perfume counter. Violette met Etienne Szabo, a French officer of Hungarian descent, at the Bastille Day parade in London in 1940. They married on 21 August 1940 after a whirlwind 42-day romance. Violette was 19, Etienne was 31. Shortly after the birth of their only child, Tania, Etienne died from chest wounds at the Battle of El Alamein in October 1942. He had never seen his daughter. It was Etienne's death that made Violette, having already joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1941, decide to offer her services to the British Special Operations Executive (SOE). After an assessment for fluency in the French language and a series of interviews, she was inducted into Special Operations Executive. She received intensive training in night and daylight navigation, escape and evasion, both Allied and German weapons, unarmed combat, demolitions, explosives, communications and cryptography. A minor accident during parachute training delayed her deployment into the field until 5th April 1944, when she was parachuted into German-occupied France, near Cherbourg. Code-named "Louise", she reorganised a French Resistance network that had been smashed by the Germans. She led the new group in sabotaging road and railway bridges. Her wireless reports to SOE headquarters on the local factories producing war materials for the Germans were extremely important in establishing Allied bombing targets. She returned to England by Lysander on 30 April 1944, landing by Lysander at RAF Tempsford, after an intense but successful first mission. She flew to the outskirts of Limoges, France on 7 June 1944 (immediately following D-Day) from RAF Tempsford. Immediately on arrival, she coordinated the activities of the local Maquis (led by Jacques Dufour) in sabotaging communication lines during German attempts to stem the Normandy landings. She was a passenger in a car that raised the suspicions of German troops at an unexpected roadblock that had been set up to find Sturmbannführer Helmut Kämpfe of the Das Reich Division, who had been captured by the local resistance. A brief gun battle ensued. Her Maquis minders escaped unscathed in the confusion. However, Szabo was captured when she ran out of ammunition, around midday on 10 June 1944, near Salon-la-Tour. Her captors were most likely from the 1st Battalion of the Deutschland Regiment. In R. J. Minney's biography, she is described as putting up fierce resistance with her Sten gun. German documents of the incident record no German injuries or casualties. A recent biography of Vera Atkins, the intelligence officer for the French section of SOE, notes that that there was a great deal of confusion about what happened to Szabo -- the story was revised four times -- and states that the Sten gun incident "was probably a fabrication". She was transferred to the custody of the SD in Limoges, where she was interrogated for four days. From there, she was moved to Fresnes Prison in Paris, and brought to Gestapo headquarters at 84 Avenue Foch for interrogation and torture. In August 1944 she was moved to Ravensbrück concentration camp, where over 92,000 women died. There, she endured hard labour and malnutrition. She managed to help save the life of Belgian resistance courier Hortense Clews. Violette Szabo was executed on or about 5 February 1945 and her body disposed of in the crematorium. She was 23 years old. Three other women members of the SOE were also executed at Ravensbrück: Denise Bloch, Cecily Lefort, and Lilian Rolfe. Of the SOE's 55 female agents, 13 were killed in action or died in Nazi concentration camps.


Karl. 1945-01-27


Born 1887-10-12. Domain:Philosophy. Cause of death:Murder

Karl Landauer was a German psychoanalyst and co-founder of the first Frankfurt Psychoanalytic Institute. He died of starvation in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Lower Saxony, a German state in northwestern Germany.


Georges. 1945-01-25


Born 1864-04-06. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Age

Sardines à l’huile

Dans leur cercueil de fer-blanc
plein d’huile au puant relent
marinent décapités
ces petits corps argentés
pareil aux guillotinés
là-bas au champ de navets !
Elles ont vu les mers, les
côtes grises de Thulé,
sous les brumes argentés
la Mer du Nord enchantée...
Maintenant dans le fer-blanc
et l’huile au puant relent
de toxiques restaurants
les servent à leurs clients !
Mais loin derrière la nuée
leur pauvre âmette ingénue
dit sa suave chanson
au Paradis-des-Poissons,
une mer fraîche et lunaire
pâle comme un poitrinaire,
la Mer de Sérénité
aux longs reflets argentés
où durant l’éternité,
sans plus craindre jamais les
cormorans ou les filets,
après leur mort nageront
tous les bons petits poissons !...

Sans voix, sans mains, sans genoux
sardines, priez pour nous !...

