If you can see your name here, it is no good sign

April 23, 2024

R I P of the day

Yeltsin Boris (b. 1931-02-01 / d. 2007-04-23)

Those russian names are boring. In French, it spells "Eltsine"


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Sad list (2)

Bernard. 2021-04-13


Born 1930-11-19. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Age

Bernard Noël was a French writer and poet. He received the Grand Prix national de la poésie (National Grand Prize of Poetry) in 1992 and the Prix Robert Ganzo (Robert Ganzo Prize) in 2010.


Jean-François. 1980-10-14


Born 1938-02-14. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:Suicide

As a Driector : 1970 : M comme Mathieu with Sami Frey, Brigitte Fossey, Bulle Ogier, Roland Dubillard, Laurent Douieb
1975 : Le Jeu du solitaire with Sami Frey, Alida Valli, Tanya Lopert, Emmanuel Ullmo, Romain Tagli, François Perrot, Jean-Claude Carrière, Sabine Haudepin, Danielle Chuteaux
1979 : Retour à la bien-aimée with Isabelle Huppert, Jacques Dutronc, Bruno Ganz, Christian Rist and Jean-François Adam
He had lived with Brigitte Fossey.

