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April 23, 2024

R I P of the day

Yeltsin Boris (b. 1931-02-01 / d. 2007-04-23)

Those russian names are boring. In French, it spells "Eltsine"


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Frank Vincent (alias: Frank Vincent ). 2017-09-13


Born 1937-04-15. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:Operation

Frank Vincent Gattuso Jr. was an American actor, musician and author, prominent for roles in the HBO series The Sopranos and Law & Order (1991-1999), and in several films for director Martin Scorsese: Raging Bull (1980), Goodfellas (1990), Casino (1995) and Cop Land (1997). In early September 2017, Vincent suffered a heart attack. He underwent open heart surgery in New Jersey on September 13; however, he died shortly thereafter. Vincent was 80 years old. Director John Gallagher, who worked with Vincent on Street Hunter and The Deli, noted that the actor lied about his age to avoid discrimination, and therefore many sources listed his birth year as 1939.

