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April 25, 2024

R I P of the day

Rouxel Jacques (b. 1931-02-26 / d. 2004-04-25)

Rouxel is perhaps best known for his initially controversial animated French TV series Les Shadoks, which first appeared in 1968.


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Sad list (1)

William Lindsay. 1962-09-14


Born 1909-08-20. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Suicide

William Lindsay Gresham was an American novelist and non-fiction author particularly well-regarded among readers of noir. His best-known work is Nightmare Alley (1946), which was adapted into a 1947 film starring Tyrone Power. In 1962, Gresham's health began to take a turn for the worse. He had started to go blind and was diagnosed with tongue cancer. On September 14, 1962, he checked into the Hotel Carter, Manhattan — which he had often frequented while writing Nightmare Alley over a decade earlier. There, 53-year-old Gresham took his life with an overdose of sleeping pills. His death went generally unnoticed by the New York press, but for a mention by a bridge columnist. In his pocket they found business cards reading, "No Address. No Phone. No Business. No Money. Retired.

