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April 25, 2024

R I P of the day

Rouxel Jacques (b. 1931-02-26 / d. 2004-04-25)

Rouxel is perhaps best known for his initially controversial animated French TV series Les Shadoks, which first appeared in 1968.


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Sad list (6002)

Elena. 1989-12-25


Born 1916-01-07. Domain:Politics. Cause of death:Murder

She was born Elena Petrescu into a peasant family in the village of Petreşti, Baloteşti Commune, Ilfov County, in the informal region of Wallachia. Her family was supported by her father's job as a ploughman.
Elena Ceauşescu fled with her husband on December 22, 1989, after the events in Timişoara led to the Romanian Revolution, but she and her husband were captured. At the show trial that took place, she refused to answer the questions asked and refused to acknowledge her interrogators' legitimacy, boldly proclaiming that they did not know who they were speaking to, and that they were using an insulting tone of voice. According to the execution officer Ionel Boeru, after the announcement of the death penalty, "Elena was stinking like a beggar, she probably wet her pants out of fear". On the afternoon of December 25, 1989, in Târgovişte they were executed while Nicolae Ceauşescu was singing part of The Internationale song; Elena was screaming at everybody to go to Hell. She was almost 74 years old. She was outlived by her almost 100-year old mother, her brother Gheorghe Petrescu (also an important figure in the party) and her three children: Valentin (b. 1948), Zoia (1950 - 2006) and Nicu (1951 - 1996), who was also a very important member of the Romanian Communist Party.


Riccardo. 1989-12-25


Born 1902-09-01. Domain:Science (Physics style). Cause of death:Age

Riccardo Morandi was an Italian civil engineer best known for his innovative use of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete, although over the years some of his particular cable-stayed bridges have had some maintenance trouble. Amongst his best-known works are the General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge, an 8 km (5 mi) cable-stayed bridge crossing Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela; a similar bridge in Genoa commonly known as Ponte Morandi (officially Viadotto Polcevera), which partially collapsed in 2018 for reasons under investigation; and the Subterranean Automobile Showroom in Turin.


Samuel. 1989-12-22


Born 1906-04-13. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Other

His wife, Suzanne, died on 17 July 1989. Beckett, suffering from emphysema and possibly Parkinson's disease and confined to a nursing home, died on December 22 of the same year. The two were interred together in the Cimetière du Montparnasse in Paris, and share a simple marble gravestone which follows Beckett's directive that it be "any colour, so long as it's grey."


Max. 1989-12-22


Born 1905-02-23. Domain:TV/Radio. Cause of death:Age


Silvana. 1989-12-16


Born 1930-04-21. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:Cancer (lung)

Following surgery on December 4, 1989 that left her in a coma, Mangano died of lung cancer in Madrid, Spain during the late night/early morning hours between the 15th and the 16th of December 1989


Van Cleef
Lee. 1989-12-16


Born 1925-01-09. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:Heart attack

'Best of the Bad' Love and Light.
He lost the tip of his middle finger on his right hand while building a playhouse for his daughter. This can be seen in the close-up shots of his hand during the gunfights in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.


Ben. 1989-12-15


Born 1910-10-12. Domain:Directing. Cause of death:Age

Ben Barzman was a Canadian journalist, screenwriter, and novelist, blacklisted during the McCarthy Era and best known for his screenplays for the films Back to Bataan (1945), El Cid (1961), and The Blue Max (1966). His U.S. citizenship was revoked from 1954 to 1963. His wife Norma had her passport revoked from 1951 for seven years. The family remained abroad in London, Paris and Nice until 1976, during which time he wrote his novels and screenplays for French and Italian films. Following his return to the United States after directing Give Us This Day, Edward Dmytryk, one of the Hollywood Ten, testified about the Barzmans to HUAC in 1951. "To get out of prison he named us and a lot of other people," said Norma Barzman in 2014.


Andrei. 1989-12-14


Born 1921-05-21. Domain:Science (Physics style). Cause of death:Heart attack

Soon after 9:00 pm on December 14, 1989, Sakharov went to his study to take a nap before preparing an important speech he was to deliver the next day in the Congress. His wife went to wake him at 11:00 pm as he had requested but she found Sakharov dead on the floor. A sudden heart attack had taken his life.


Bruno. 1989-12-08


Born 1956-11-26. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:encephalitis

Leuco-encephalite. Toute affection cérébrale caractérisée anatomiquement par des lésions inflammatoires prédominant au niveau de la substance blanche des hémisphères cérébraux, et dont l'origine est exogène (par opposition à la leucodystrophie, dans laquelle le processus est d'origine endogène).


De Luna
Carlos. 1989-12-08


Born 1962-03-15. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Murder

Carlos DeLuna was a convicted murderer who was executed by the state of Texas on December 8, 1989. However since his execution by lethal injection, doubts have been raised about the conviction and the question of guilt. An investigation published by the Columbia Human Rights Law Review in May 2012 has strengthened these claims. DeLuna was charged with killing a gas station attendant, Wanda Lopez, on February 4, 1983 in Corpus Christi, Texas. The cashier died from a single stab wound caused by an 8inch buck knife. He was executed in Texas for the murder of a filling station clerk six years earlier—a crime that De Luna’s relatives, friends, and supporters believe was committed by a violent felon named Carlos Hernandez. About forty minutes after the attack, police found De Luna shirtless and shoeless and hiding under a pickup truck a few hundred yards from the station. “I didn’t do it,” he told the officers, “but I know who did.” There was no physical evidence linking De Luna to the crime—no blood, even though the victim, who had been stabbed repeatedly, had struggled with her attacker and bled profusely. Two eyewitnesses identified De Luna at trial, one saying he saw him outside the station with a knife, the other saying he saw him fleeing the scene. De Luna had been in the area when the police arrived. He testified that he had hidden under the pickup because he was on parole and had been drinking—a violation that could send him to prison. He stated that Hernandez had committed the crime, but the lead prosecutor told the jury that Hernandez was a “phantom,” although in fact Hernandez was well known to the prosecutor’s second chair, who had prosecuted him in another case. The jury found De Luna guilty, and he was sentenced to death. After a 2006 reinvestigation of the case, the Chicago Tribune reported that five persons who knew Hernandez stated that he had boasted of committing the crime and gloated that De Luna, whom he called his “stupid tocayo” (namesake) had gone to Death Row in his place. Several of the witnesses said they had not come forward initially because they feared that Hernandez would kill them; Hernandez died in prison in 1999. A senior detective who knew both Hernandez and De Luna, told the Tribune that the filling station stabbing was the kind of crime Hernandez, but not De Luna, would commit.


Marc. 1989-12-06


Born 1964-10-26. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Suicide

Born Gamil Gharbi, he was a 25-year-old man from Montreal, Quebec, Canada who murdered fourteen women and wounded ten women and four men at the École Polytechnique, an engineering school affiliated with the Université de Montréal, in "the Montreal Massacre", also known as "the École Polytechnique massacre".
In August 1989, Lépine picked up an application for a firearms-acquisition certificate and received his permit in mid-October. In November 21, 1989, Lépine purchased a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle at a local sporting goods store. During the period October to December 1989, Lépine was seen at least seven times at the École Polytechnique. He brought his mother a present four days before the shooting, though it was several weeks before her birthday. He had always been very punctual paying his rent, but did not do so in December 1989.
On December 6, 1989, Lépine walked into the École Polytechnique de Montréal. There, he entered a second-floor classroom where he separated the men and women and then ordered the approximately fifty men to leave. Claiming that he was fighting feminism, he shot the nine women who remained, killing six and injuring the rest. After this, Lépine moved to other areas of the building, including the cafeteria, corridors and another classroom. A total of fourteen women (twelve engineering students, one nursing student, and one university employee) were killed, and four men and ten women injured before Lépine turned the gun on himself.
A three-page letter (see below) was found in the pocket of his jacket. The letter was never officially made public, but was leaked in November 1990 to Francine Pelletier, and published in the newspaper La Presse. In his suicide letter, Lépine claimed political motives, blaming feminists for ruining his life. He considered himself rational and expressed admiration for Denis Lortie, who had mounted an attack on the Quebec National Assembly in 1984 for political reasons, killing three Quebec government employees. The letter also contained a list of nineteen Quebec women whom Lépine apparently wished to kill because of their feminism.
Marc Lépine was buried in the Cimetière Notre-Dame-des-Neiges in Montreal, a few blocks from where he committed the massacre.
Excusez les fautes. J’avais 15 minutes pour l’écrire (Voir aussi Annexe)
Veillez noter que si je me suicide aujourd’hui 89/12/06 ce n’est pas pour des raisons économiques (car j’ai attendu d’avoir épuisé tout mes moyens financiers refusant même de l’emploi) mais bien pour des raisons politiques. Car j’ai décidé d’envoyer Ad Patres les féministes qui m’ont toujours gaché la vie. Depuis 7 ans que la vie ne m’apporte plus de joie et étant totalement blasé, j’ai décidé de mettre des bâtons dans les roues à ces viragos.
J’avais déjà essayés dans ma jeunesse de m’engager dans les Forces comme élève-officier, ce qui m’aurais permit de possiblement pénétrer dans l’arsenal et de procédé Lortie dans une rassia. Ils m’ont refusé because associàl. J’ai donc attendu jusqu'a ce jour pour mettre à exécution mes projets. Entre temps, j’ai continué mes études au grès du vent car elles ne m’ont jamais intéressée sachant mon destin à l’avance. Ce qui ne m’a pas empécher d’avoir de très bonnes notes malgré ma théorie de travaux non remis ainsi que la carence d’étude avant les examens.
Même si l’épitète Tireur Fou va m’être attribué dans les médias, je me considère comme un érudit rationnel que seul la venu de la Faucheuse on amméné à posé des gestes extrèmistes. Car pourquoi persévéré à exister si ce n’est que faire plaisir au gouvernement. Etant plûtot passéiste (Exception la science) de nature, les féministes ont toujours eux le dont de me faire rager. Elles veulent conserver les avantages des femmes (ex. assurances moins cher, congé de maternité prolongé précédé d’un retrait préventif, etc.) tout en s’accaparant de ceux des hommes.
Ainsi c’est une vérité de la palice que si les Jeux olympiques enlevaient la distinction Homme/Femme, il n’y aurait de Femmes que dans les compétitions gracieuses. Donc les féministes ne se battent pas pour enlever cette barrière. Elles sont tellement opportunistes qu’elles ne négligent pas de profiter des connaissances accumuler par les hommes au cours de l’histoire. Elles essai toutefois de travestir celles-ci toute les fois qu’elles le peuvent. Ainsi l’autre jour j’ai entendu qu’on honoraient les canadiens et canadiennes qui ont combattus au front pendant les guerres mondiales. Comment expliquer cela alors que les femmes n’étaient pas autorisés à aller au front??? Va-t-on entendre parler des légionnaires et galériennes de César qui naturellement occuperont 50% des effectifs de l’histoire malgré qu’elles n’a jamais exister. Un vrai Casus Belli.
Désoler pour cette trop compendieuse lettre.
Marc Lépine
[Suit une liste de 19 noms]
Ont toutes Failli disparaitre aujourd’hui. Le manque de temps (car je m’y suis mis trop tard) à permis que ces féministes radicals survives.
Alea Jacta Est


Armand. 1989-11-25


Born 1899-08-09. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Age


Rémi. 1989-11-14


Born 1957-10-12. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:AIDS

La Princesse surgelée (1987)
Black Mic Mac (1986) - L'inspecteur adjoint
Le Cadeau (Bankers Also Have Souls aka. The Gift) (1982) - Laurent
Une glace avec deux boules ou je le dis à maman (1982) - Bernard
Les Plouffe (The Plouffe Family) (1981) - Denis Boucher
La Cassure (1981)
Tous vedettes (All Stars) (1980) - Laurent
C'est dingue... mais on y va (1979) - Nicolas
La Cage aux folles (1978) - Laurent Baldi
Les Seize ans de Jérémy Millet (1978)
Arrête ton char... bidasse! (1977) - Francis
Dis bonjour à la dame (1977) - David Ferry
À nous les petites Anglaises (Let's Get Those English Girls) (1976) - Alain


Vladimir. 1989-11-05


Born 1903-10-01. Domain:Music. Cause of death:Heart attack


Louis. 1989-11-01


Born 1920-04-23. Domain:Music. Cause of death:Age

As a young man, Louis had an affinity for working with a soldering gun and electrical gear. He studied music at the University of Chicago. He died on 1 November 1989 in Los Angeles. Bebe and Louis Barron were two American pioneers in the field of electronic music. They are credited with writing the first electronic music for magnetic tape, and the first entirely electronic film score for the MGM movie Forbidden Planet (1956).


Aristid. 1989-10-30


Born 1925-11-17. Domain:Science (Medical/Bio style). Cause of death:Unknown

He was a Hungarian biologist. In 1968 he developed a type of formal languages that is today called L-systems or Lindenmayer Systems. Using those systems Lindenmayer modelled the behaviour of cells of plants. L-systems nowadays are also used to model whole plants. For this, he worked with Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz.


Ruth (alias: Bette Davis). 1989-10-06


Born 1908-04-05. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:Cancer (breast)

In 1983, after filming the pilot episode for the television series Hotel, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy. Within two weeks of her surgery she suffered four strokes which caused paralysis in the right side of her face and in her left arm, and left her with slurred speech. She commenced a lengthy period of physical therapy and, aided by her personal assistant, Kathryn Sermak, gained partial recovery from the paralysis.
During 1988 and 1989, Davis was feted for her career achievements, receiving the Kennedy Center Honor, the Legion of Honor from France, the Campione d'Italia from Italy and the Film Society of Lincoln Center Lifetime Achievement Award. She collapsed during the American Cinema Awards in 1989 and later discovered that her cancer had returned. She recovered sufficiently to travel to Spain where she was honored at the Donostia-San Sebastián International Film Festival, but during her visit her health rapidly deteriorated. Too weak to make the long journey back to the U.S., she travelled to France where she died on October 6, 1989, at the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine.


Jacques. 1989-10-06


Born 1920-03-15. Domain:Journalism. Cause of death:Heart attack

Co-founder of les cahiers du cinéma.


Graham. 1989-10-04


Born 1941-01-08. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:cancer (throat)

Chapman died of pneumonia brought about by throat cancer, which had spread to his spine. He was diagnosed in November 1988 after visiting his dentist where a growth was found on his tonsils. At his side when he died were John Cleese, Michael Palin, David Sherlock, his brother John and John's wife, although Cleese found himself too saddened to be in the room when his writing partner died. Terry Jones and Peter Cook had visited earlier that day. Chapman's death occurred one day before the 20th anniversary of the first broadcast of Flying Circus; Terry Jones called it “the worst case of party-pooping in all history.” A memorial service was held for Chapman in December 1989 in the Great Hall at St Bartholomew's Hospital. Cleese delivered the eulogy; after his initial remarks, he said of his former colleague “…good riddance to him, the freeloading bastard, I hope he fries!”, and then pointed out that Chapman would have been disappointed if Cleese passed on the opportunity to scandalize the audience. He explained that Chapman would have been offended had Cleese, the first person to say "shit" on British television, not used Chapman's own funeral as an opportunity to also become the first person at a British memorial service to use the word "fuck".


Lucien (alias: Noel-Noel). 1989-10-04


Born 1897-08-09. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:Age


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Vittorio. 1989-10-02


Born 1921-08-15. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:Heart attack

Vittorio Caprioli was an Italian actor, film director and screenwriter. He appeared in 109 films between 1946 and 1990, mostly in French productions.


Jean-Louis. 1989-09-29


Born 1907-10-12. Domain:Politics. Cause of death:Unknown

He was a candidate in the 1965 french presidential election when his campaign manager was Jean-Marie Le Pen. He won 1,260,208 votes, which was 5.2% of the total, giving him fourth place after De Gaulle, Mitterrand and Jean Lecanuet. In the second round, he supported François Mitterrand.


Georges. 1989-09-29


Born 1919-02-16. Domain:Music. Cause of death:Age


Paul Richard. 1989-09-20


Born 1930-08-05. Domain:Sport. Cause of death:Heart attack

His reputation as a solid “team player” and excellent test and development driver earned him an invitation to join the works Honda F1 team for 1965 for whom he scored his one and only GP win at the 1965 Mexican Grand Prix. The win was also Honda's first in Formula 1. Ginther averaged 151.7 kilometres per hour (94.3 mph) over the curving 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) track in the 65 lap Mexico City event. His speed eclipsed the previous course record of 150.185 km/h (93.321 mph) established by Dan Gurney in 1964. It was also the first time Honda had entered the Mexican Grand Prix. Honda reentered international competition in the 1966 Italian Grand Prix. The team was but three years old and had encountered difficulty in the preparation of a larger engine. Ginther led in Italy before his car crashed into a retaining wall and he broke his collarbone. Ginther won 1 race, achieved 14 podiums, and scored a total of 107 championship points. He appeared in an uncredited role in the 1966 film Grand Prix as John Hogarth, a driver in the Japanese funded “Yamura” team. He also acted as one of the technical racing advisors for the movie. Richie Ginther died of a heart attack while on vacation with his family in France? .


Jean Raymond Claude. 1989-09-09


Born 1922-06-05. Domain:Music. Cause of death:Age

Jean Bertola was a French pianist, composer, singer, music arranger and artistic director. A talented pianist, he worked in a Lyon radio station putting music to texts sent by listeners. He later started arranging for many renowned artists including Charles Aznavour in his début. He won the disc prize in 1957. After a career in singing melodies, he became artistic director with the French label Polydor. A singer songwriter, he became close and artistic secretary for Georges Brassens and backup vocalist on some of Brassens' albums in the 1970s. He released his own album Dernières chansons in 1982, with text and music from Brassens, and a second album in 1985 titled Le Patrimoine de Brassens.


Georges. 1989-09-04


Born 1903-02-13. Domain:Writing. Cause of death:Age


Jacques. 1989-08-25


Born 1914-07-11. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:Age

André Castelot's brother.


Gregory. 1989-08-24


Born 1943-01-30. Domain:Performing. Cause of death:AIDS

In "Death Wish" he was one of the rapists, along with Jeff Goldblum and Christopher Logan.


Huey Percy. 1989-08-22


Born 1942-02-17. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Murder

Huey Percy Newton was an African-American revolutionary who, along with fellow Merritt College student Bobby Seale, co-founded the Black Panther Party (1966–1982). Newton and Seale together created a ten-point program to guide the African-American community to liberation. Newton was murdered in the neighborhood of Lower Bottoms in West Oakland, California. Within days, Tyrone Robinson was arrested as a suspect; he was on parole and admitted the murder to police, claiming self-defense – though police found no evidence that Newton was carrying a gun. In 1991, Robinson was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to a prison term of 32 years to life. Robinson stated that his motive was to advance in the Black Guerrilla Family, a Marxist–Leninist narcotics prison gang, in order to get a crack franchise.


Bert. 1989-08-18


Born 1957-07-30. Domain:Sport. Cause of death:Heart attack

He suffered of a meningitis twice during his carrier. After a problem on his knee, he had to stop racing as a professional. He then raced as an amateur. On Aug 13, 1989, he won a race in Bladel. Five days later he died of a heart attack.

