If you can see your name here, it is no good sign

April 25, 2024

R I P of the day

Rouxel Jacques (b. 1931-02-26 / d. 2004-04-25)

Rouxel is perhaps best known for his initially controversial animated French TV series Les Shadoks, which first appeared in 1968.


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Sad list (1)

Aloysius. 1915-12-19


Born 1864-06-14. Domain:Science (Medical/Bio style). Cause of death:Heart attack

In mid-December 1915, Alzheimer fell ill on the train on the way to the University of Breslau, where he had been appointed professor of psychiatry in 1912. Most probably he had a streptococcal infection and subsequent rheumatic fever and kidney failure. He died of heart failure at the age of 51 in Breslau.

