If you can see your name here, it is no good sign

April 19, 2024

R I P of the day

Harth Roger (b. 1927-00-00 / d. 1982-04-19)

Who knows his details ?


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Sad list (1)

Jacques. 2002-10-26


Born 1908-05-05. Domain:Society. Cause of death:Age

After his criticism of the policy of de Gaulle in 1961, he was fired from his positions of military governor of Metz and of the Sixth military region. In March 1966, he was made chief of the French forces in Germany in Baden-Baden. On the 29 May 1968, Charles de Gaulle came to visit him and sought his advice during the events of May 68.
After his retirement in July 1969, he spent the rest of his life in his home at Conflans-sur-Loing writing his mémoires.

Charles de Gaulle : "So, Massu, still that stupid ?" Jacques Massu's answer : "Still that gaullist, General !"

