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April 23, 2024

R I P of the day

Yeltsin Boris (b. 1931-02-01 / d. 2007-04-23)

Those russian names are boring. In French, it spells "Eltsine"


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Sad list (2)

Ricardo (alias: Pancho Gonzales). 1995-07-03


Born 1928-05-09. Domain:Sport. Cause of death:Age

His last wife, Rita, is the sister of Andre Agassi. According to Price's article, Rita's father, Mike Agassi, a 1952 Olympian on the Iranian boxing team who had become a successful casino greeter in Las Vegas, hated Gonzáles so much that he considered having him killed. Gonzáles had coached the young Rita until she had rebelled against her father's 5,000-balls-a-day-regimen and first moved in with, then married, on 31 March 1984, the much older Gonzáles. Years before, Mike Agassi, already a tennis fanatic, had once served as a linesman for one of Gonzáles's professional matches in Chicago. Gonzáles had upbraided Agassi so severely for perceived miscalls that Agassi had walked away and gone to sit in the stands.
For decades González had made $75,000 a year from an endorsement contract with Spalding for racquets and balls but was unable to get along with the company personnel. Finally, in 1981, after nearly 30 years, Spalding refused to renew the contract. He had also been the tennis director and tournament director at Caesars Palace on the Las Vegas Strip for 16 years, another lucrative job. In 1985 he was fired after refusing to give private lessons to the wife of his boss.
Gonzales died almost completly broke and with no friends, in a minuscule house near Las Vegas airport. His funerals were paid by André Agassi.


José Victoriano (alias: Juan Gris). 1927-05-11


Born 1887-03-23. Domain:Painting. Cause of death:Other

Better known as Juan Gris, he was a Spanish painter and sculptor who lived and worked in France most of his life. His works, which are closely connected to the emergence of an innovative artistic genre—Cubism—are among the movement's most distinctive. After October 1925, Gris was frequently ill with bouts of uremia and cardiac problems. He died of renal failure.

